Here is Ol Chiki font. This can be used in Microsoft Word or Open office
org or any word processing software for writing Santhali language in Ol
Chiki. Just down load the zip file and unzip it in some directory. You will find that it contains five ( true type font file needed for writing) save it in
any folder or directory, It contains

1. Next , Go to Windows Start
2. Go to Control Pannel
3. Click the icon Fonts
Drag and drop it from folder or Cut and paste all three .ttf file.
Please note here, if you already installed the older version of the same font
in your PC, please remove it before installing this. Then start word document and select
font type in word as Ol Chiki. After that you can type Ol script as per key board mapping.
feature or optional feature:
You need
to do following thing to facilitate other to see the document without installing the Fonts.
saving document in Word, please follow this procedure.
Go to File
Then go to Save As
Save As window opens, please click option Then there is option save as true
type embedded.
Click that and save it with suitable file name.
If you find
that your document is not showing clearly , you need to do following thing to get better visibility in PC monitor.
To have antialiasing
effect : you need to do some change in option:
Go to Windwos start-
Control panel
Display properties
Then Click Plus
There is option in True type ( AA letter will be there)
Then restart the computer.
Then you can see nice fonts in word or any document.
Here we have five types of Ol Chiki fonts. Any one
can use it free. This is given as it is without any warranty( approx. 370Kb file size). This includes five style true type
fonts(.ttf) and key board mapping & other associated information.
Click here to download Ol Chiki fonts
v1.01 updated 30th June 2003
v1.02 updated 8th March 2005
Down Load Ol Chiki Usara Font:
This is Olchiki usara fonts. File size 14 Kb. The new design
of olchiki usara fonts will come up in four or five months. Please keep track for it. The key board mapping is same only changes
obviously is AG
+AHAD, AAJ+AHAD, UD+AHAD, IH+AHAD, OB+AHAD are assigned to 1,2,3,4,5
click here to download file
Here we have another two types Fonts by two of our member. Any one
can use it free. This is given as it is without any warranty( approx. 59 Kb file size). This includes one times style and
another regular style two true type fonts(.ttf) and the smae key board mapping is also applied here.
Click below to download the Fonts
Times type Ol Chiki Font
If you find any bugs or if you
have any suggestion for
improvement of this fonts,
please report this directly here
Check Ol Chiki Alphabets
Here is Key board mapping given in the Ol Chiki Fonts. Please click
the link for getting details.
If you do not have already installed in your PC WinZip, then down
load the trial version of WinZip from this site.
Copyrights © 2002-05, N. C. Murmu & R. C. Hansdah, All rights
reserved. The set of five different types of fonts for Ol Chiki included in this package are freeware , and
may be used for any purpose without any warranty. They may be distributed freely provided this copyright notice accompanies
them. The author owns exclusive rights to modify these fonts, and produce future versions of them. None of these
fonts nor any modification of them may be sold or included in any commercial product.
: copyrights© 2002, R. N. Marndi, All rights reserved. santalfont.ttf: copyrights© 2002, P.C.Hembram, All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: This site is Neither affiliated with any company, nor company mentioned on this page have endorsed the information in any way.
The information contained on this page is simply the opinion of this site's author and the author will not be held liable
for consequences us using these instructions. It is best to read the manual provided
by the company which makes the product.