Santals, the largest adivasi
(indigenous) community in Indian subcontinent with its population more than 10 million resides in Jharkhand,
Orissa, West Bengal, Assam of Indian states and Bangladesh and Nepal. Santals have marvellous cultural mosaic wrapped
with wonderful customs & tradition. In pursuance of excellence of our society & fulfil our latent cherished
dream for betterment of our social, economic & educational status, we have decided to come into one platform and
build up a network of Santals working in India & abroad. To achieve this goal, we have created a e-group named
"Wesanthals" on 11.11.2000 . Here we have shared our views and debated some critical issues concerned to Santals
. For others,specially for researchers, it will provide one stop information about Santals as community, its culture, literature
& its own script "Ol Chiki".
" To create
a network of contacts among the Santhals people residing in India and abroad so that we can know each other, work together
and make our society stronger for future generation "
Who Can Join ?
We invite anybody who belongs to santal community or interested
in the issues and topics of Santals, willing to contribute for cause of of santal community.
We focus our efforts on to bring them together and share their own thoughts and activities. Members must have desire
to participate and make a difference in the society.
Befefits of Joining !
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization.
Our members can become close friends and we can have a great time when we get together in different occasion.We can know each
other! We can work together for our society. Of course we also have a common interest, and we hope to find common solution
How Can I Join
There is two ways, anyone can join this group, simply
click below icon to join, if you have already yahoo account, alternatively, you can send mail giving your details for joining
thru feedback form.
E-Group URL: !

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