Matric Scholaships : To provide financial assiatnce to persue
recognised post matriculation course. Full refundable compulsory fees
by institution , pescribed allowances towards maintances for
hostellier and
days scholars essential books for students persuing
correspondence course, study
tours charge , thesis typing /printing
charges and addiational allowance for
disbalitities. Parents' income
should not excced Rs. 60,965/- . Fund realeased
for this purpose during
2001-2002 is around Rs.161 crores.
overseas scholarship and passage grants: Scholarships are
under this scheme to study abroad for PG, Doctorate and
ppost doctoratal studies.
Upper limit for income is Rs.12000/- p.m. This
scholarship is funded by Ministry
of Social Justice.
Subjects: not available in India. e.g. Robotics, automation,
etc. For details
Contact :
National Overseas Scholarships
Ministry of welfare, SCD division
Scholarships Cells
Room Number 240 , A wing
Shartri Bhavan, New Delhi.
Ambedkar Overseas Fellowships for PG studies: for PhD.and
post doctorate
in Economics, Social Science and International
For details contact :
Dr. Ambedkar Foundation
25, Asoka Road,
New Delhi. 110 001